Orange Amplifiers
Fully updated with a new product guide, the site now has a comprehensive easy to access product information section, including new image gallery, detailed specs and a comprehensive site search resource.
The website incorporates fantastic new pictures on it’s front page including Jim Root, Madonna, Prince and historic photo’s of Stevie Wonder using an Orange Amp. In fact the whole artist section has been completely overhauled and an extensive artist database has been complied to include a picture and biography for every artist, as well as listing the gear they are using. Soon to be added will be MP3 clips of the artists. Continuing their 40th anniversary celebrations, Orange Amps have re-launched their website incorporating new anniversary graphics and a whole host of new and exciting features. With a full re-design the all-new website is packed with great new user friendly search facilities, loads more pictures and a wealth of new information.
Fully updated with a new product guide, the site now has a comprehensive easy to access product information section, including new image gallery, detailed specs and a comprehensive site search resource.
The website incorporates fantastic new pictures on it’s front page including Jim Root, Madonna, Prince and historic photo’s of Stevie Wonder using an Orange Amp. In fact the whole artist section has been completely overhauled and an extensive artist database has been complied to include a picture and biography for every artist, as well as listing the gear they are using. Soon to be added will be MP3 clips of the artists.
With their 40th anniversary in mind, the site boasts a detailed brand history and time-line. This new section includes over a dozen articles listed by decade, detailing historic moments in the development of Orange and the front page of the site includes a personal letter and introduction from company founder and CEO, Cliff Cooper.
Further features include :
- A fully up-to-date dealer locator section (with post / zip code search facility) covering UK, Europe, Far East and the USA.
- Downloadable product manuals and latest Orange catalogue
- Coming soon New Merchandise section and customer reviews
To check out the new features, improved layout and expanded site content visit http://www.orangeamps.com/
For further details contact your local distributor or contact:
USA This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or outside USA This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel ; +44 208 905 2828
Fax ; +44 208 905 2868